Such certification shall be reported immediately to congress . upon request of the president within seventy days after such action referred to in subparagraphs , , or of paragraph of this section , the foreign claims settlement commission of the united states established pursuant to reorganization plan no . 1 of 1954 , 68 stat . 1279 is hereby authorized to evaluate expropriated property , determining the full value of any property nationalized , expropriated , or seized , or subject to discriminatory or other actions as aforesaid , for purposes of this subsection and to render an advisory report to the president within ninety days after such request 协会的其他活动主要有: 1向发展中国家和市场经济转轨的国家提供法律信息,并为其培训律师和专门的法律人材2设立研究基金,资助学者研究统一法及其实践3协会秘书处尽力举办各种培训班,宣讲私法统一所取得的成就尤其是该协会的工作成果4举办国际法律研讨会5出版统一法论坛,这是继以前曾出版的统一法年鉴和统一法案例之后又一份成功的刊物。